Tools To Train Fruit Tree Branches | Plant Branch Bender | Cultiuana


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Model No.: Improved Model 06 (5 per pack)
Improved Model 06 (5 per pack)
Improved Model 12 (5 per pack)
Improved Model 16 (5 per pack)
Improved Model 18 (5 per pack)
Improved Model 26 (5 per pack)
Improved Model 18T (5 per pack)
Improved Model 36 (5 per pack)
Improved Model 36T (5 per pack)

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Introducing Fruit Tree Branch Benders

These fruit tree branch benders are great tools to help you bend or shape tree branches. 

Models: 06, 12, 16, 18, 26, 36, 18T, 26T, 36T (The number indicates the length of the spreader. "T" means it has a plastic cover.)

Use: These benders move along the main trunk to spread branches at any angle. Models with plastic covers prevent bark damage, especially useful for tree varieties and regions where bark injuries easily lead to disease.

Important Note: During the growing season, the benders usually need to be secured for about 20 days. Remove them promptly after that to prevent them from growing into the tree.

Clarifying the Uses of Each Model:

Improved Model 16: Used for branches about one centimeter thick. (Currently mostly used for one-year-old branches on high-density apple trees, and early-stage branches on cherry and pear trees).

Improved Model 18 & 18T: Model 18T has a plastic cover. Both are used for branches about 1.5 centimeters thick. (Currently mostly used for one-year-old branches on low-density apple trees, and one-year-old branches on high-density cherry and pear trees).

Improved Model 26 & 26T: Model 26T has a plastic cover. Both are used for branches about two centimeters thick. (Currently mostly used for two-year-old branches on apple trees, and one-year-old branches on cherry and pear trees trained in the autumn).

Improved Model 36 & 36T: Model 36T has a plastic cover. Both are used for branches about 2.5 centimeters thick. (Currently mostly used for training branches on low-density cherry trees in the autumn).

Plants Branch Bender Model Specifications and Application Guide

Tools To Train Fruit Tree Branches
plant trainningTree Branch Benderplant training clips model 26plant bender improved model 36