Cost to Run a 1000 Watt LED Grow Light Per Month?

Cost to Run a 1000 Watt LED Grow Light Per Month?

The main factors determining the electricity cost are your local electricity rate, the LED light efficiency, and your grow room size/ventilation needs.

To calculate the estimated monthly cost, use this formula:

Monthly Cost = (Light Wattage x Hours Used Per Day ÷ 1000) x Electricity Rate x 30 Days

For example, with:

1000W LED light
Running 12 hours/day
$0.14/kWh electricity rate
Monthly Cost = (1000W x 12hrs ÷ 1000) x $0.14/kWh x 30 days
= 12kWh x $0.14 x 30
= $50.40

More efficient LED lights and properly sized rooms/ventilation can reduce costs. Check your local electric rate, invest in high-efficiency lighting, and use timers/controls.